Our experts will help you choose the right glasses for you

Glasses from £50 Complete


  • FREE ‘Glasses MOT’

  • 12 month manufacturer's guarantee

  • FREE unlimited adjustments

  • FREE case & cloth

Choosing glasses at Specs2U

It’s not easy choosing glasses but we are here to help. We select our frame suppliers carefully and choose frames which we know will suit nearly all of our customers.

For the full range please call into our branch.

We have access to hundreds of different styles, shapes and sizes so we are more than happy to order a frame from one of our suppliers with absolutely no obligation to buy.

The biggest frame choice in the world?

At Specs2U we believe we have a great range of frames from budget ranges to designer brands. However, we are realistic in saying we can’t stock every frame, in every colour and every brand.

Unlike a lot of other high street opticians we will reglaze your own frame. This means that we will let you purchase frames from other opticians or from online stores, and we will put your lenses into them (subject to the quality of the frame and the prescription of the lenses).

So in a way we really do offer an unlimited choice. We won't limit you to our own shop choice, style or colour range. We allow you to bring us your own choice and if we can make it with your personal requirements, then we will glaze it.